We, the church, the bride of Jesus must not be idle in our culture! May we be faithful to represent our King on the earth as His body!
Education has been re-defined and reconstructed to revolve around evil, fallen world, and sin-filled ideologies. Much of what is being presented today as "education" is wicked and abusive.
True Education was, is and always will be the passing down of the knowledge and wisdom of God from generation to generation! The Absolute Truth! Without the wisdom of God, Truth and the Holy Scriptures humanity has always fallen in on itself. Sound/look familiar?
If we profess to be Christians, may we understand the reality of what our mouth professes! May our hearts profess and be near to our Lord!
Becoming a Christian, a follower of Christ, a disciple of Jesus, is not something we can make ourselves into ("i identify as a Christian") NO. The Holy Spirit regenerates us into new human beings applying the salvation to us that was purchased by Jesus! We are born-again, from above, not of the flesh, but of the Spirit! Thus changing EVERYTHING!
i am now 7 years into being a new woman in Jesus by the grace of God alone and for the last 9 months or so i have been discovering just how CRITICAL Genesis 1:27 is to our being, our theology and our faithfulness to our Creator!
⚠ Do not take lightly or dismiss too quickly the FACT and the REALITY that in being created to image God, He chose to create us as men AND women. Male AND Female!
We must acknowledge and respect this reality and seek to understand why! He has not left His people clueless and wandering on this earth! He has preserved His written Word for us to seek Him and to know Truth! May we not compromise and allow weakness/laziness/cowardice disguised as "niceness & inclusivity" to deceive us!
We must first acknowledge our purpose - to image our Creator! Secondly, we must ask how?
Our understanding the HOW is crucial! Gender matters! Not just the acknowledgement of male and female. Yes that, but so much more! We were not created the same! Our attributes are not the same! The way we communicate is not the same! The way we observe is not the same! The biology of our bodies is not the same!
Our mission IS the same - to image Him - but the HOW is not the same! Don't miss this privilege and opportunity to image Him faithfully on His terms! May we STOP living out the HOW being wise in our own eyes! May we honor our Lord and start living out the HOW by His wisdom! May we look to the very Word of God and ask the Holy Spirit to lead, teach and feed us what is there for our understanding and nourishment!!!
His people are to be masculine and feminine according to His wisdom, not ours! We will be held accountable! His grace is not a license for laziness. What is it you invest your time in? More money? Entertainment? Self-care and self-help? Comfort?
Time is a gift! A gift from God for the glory of God! Don't waste it! Matthew 6:33!
May we have ears that hear and hearts that desire not only to know truth, but also to shema (hear & obey) truth!
Below are links to a few other resources that are beneficial!
#graceandspace for you and for others always, no matter what it looks like!
The Council On Biblical Manhood and Womanhood