My brother recently told me that some people he had spoken with about Jesus were under the impression that one has to be perfect to be a Christian. My heart broke when I heard this. But then, I remembered that up until about a year ago, I thought the same thing. I had strived all my life to be perfect, even though I knew I would never be successful at it. The harder I attempted to reach perfection the further I would fall. Each fall provided a deeper level of disappointment and depression.
I began to settle in to the self-discussion of why SO MANY humans are under this impression. The answer is easy now, but...when you're still under that impression - now that's where things get more difficult to navigate.
First of all, every human being is a sinner. Some have reached the point in their life and (more importantly) their faith that they have come to know the fact that they are sinners and some will even discuss their sins with you. On the other hand, there are many that carry the weight of their garbage on their shoulders. Not only do they carry it on their shoulders, they do their best to run as fast as they can so no one will discover what secrets are inside the garbage on their shoulders. I know this all too well. I ran, and ran, and ran for 37 years all the while weighted down with TONS of garbage and secrets. Add fear to the garbage and running and that equals exhaustion.
When I reached the point of complete exhaustion and emptiness, the first thing I easily understood was that I was a sinner. No matter how hard I lived to be perfect - I would never reach perfection. Okay, so I understood I was a sinner but what's next? Well, being that I was completely empty at this point, having no energy left to keep carrying my "secret garbage" I had nothing more to lose. I knew what I needed to do. Next for me was admitting this out loud to someone. "That someone" that I needed to admit a secret to was my husband. It was not easy. In fact, it was extremely difficult. Confessing a secret that had been eating me up inside to the one person that had every reason to hate me proved to be one of the best conversations I've ever had. And on the other side of that conversation was Jesus Christ! I can't even put words to the feelings that followed. There's only one word that could come even close - that word - FREEDOM! It wasn't until I emptied my garbage of secrets that I felt authentic forgiveness. Yes, I felt forgiveness from my husband, but what I'm talking about is the forgiveness of Jesus Christ! In that moment I knew how crazy loved I was. I knew how incomprehensibly forgiven I was. I felt complete and total acceptance from Jesus Christ. The more I think about it, the One that has every reason to hate me more than my husband would be Jesus. God is love and He created human beings. He knew we would be sinners, He knew sin is what would separate us from Him for all of eternity. Knowing this and feeling the love toward us as He does, He provided A WAY for us to be reconciled back to Him. He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to live a perfect life, to suffer the death of a sinner (your death and mine), to suffer the wrath of God for ALL OUR SINS, and rose Him from the dead to provide THE WAY for our salvation. The word salvation actually means to be rescued from danger. RESCUED FROM DANGER. Wow! How amazing is our God! He loves us so much. You do not have to continue in your life of sin (danger)! God has provided His Son for our rescue! So yes, most definitely there are people out there that believe since they claim to be a Christian that they are perfect now and unfortunately they are living in this world as judgmental hypocrites. I'm not hating on these people, I'm asking right now for you to join me in prayer for them. Pray that God opens their eyes to His Truth and not one more person will be turned away from Christ because of their misunderstanding of whom He is. In fact, IF perfection were possible without Christ, Jesus Christ would be useless to Christianity. Christ calls us to be disciples. He wants us to believe Him, trust Him, listen to Him as He guides our steps in this life on earth! That's it! And don't misunderstand me. It requires some effort on your part. You know the kind of effort we all put into the relationships we have in this world. You need to get to know Him. The best ways to get to know Him is by talking to Him (praying) and listening/watching for a response and also, it is vital that you read the Bible. This is His Word. In His Word He reveals what He wants you to know about Him. He shares what pleases Him and what doesn't. Not so you have to earn His love, but so you know what the proper response is to His love! And also so you can experience abundant life! He knows doing life His Way is the only Way to experience abundant life. Seeing as He is the Creator and I am a teeny, tiny part of His creation, I certainly trust His guidance.
His love, His salvation is a free gift. You see, He has already prepared the good works for you to accomplish when He gives His strength and power to do so. Oh what a Mighty God we have the opportunity to be in relationship with! He has an open door policy. He is available anywhere at any time! He hears our hearts! He alone knows our hearts!
So, to make my long story short, Christianity is NOT ABOUT BEING PERFECT! It is about daily belief and trust in the Creator of the Universe. Our Abba Father, through His Son! The most important and fulfilling relationship you will ever have. Do you believe that He loves you and wants what is best for you? If so, start talking to God and then open your Bible and start reading!
I love you guys! Grace and Space for everyone - no matter what it looks like!
Living In His Love,